- ROUNDTABLE (SaLE Docks) // May 8, 2015, 3.00 – 5.30 pm
Rendering a Nation
Refugees, migrants, artists and humanitarians will discuss the notion of a Nationless Pavilion from their own expertise and experience.
The meeting will take place around a table prepared with texts, objects, photos, documents and sources linked to the interventions.
The talk will seek to better define the idea of a “nation” whose existence is based on common needs and experiences and opposed to territorial integrity.
Further the talk seeks to discuss how the notion of a pavilion and the artistic practice it includes can address the challenges of dispossession. The idea of a Nationless pavilion requires that we rethink notions of borders, identity, belonging and exclusion. The challenge is to find an element that embodies a place of belonging – one with an artistic practice relates both to social facts and imaginative possibilities.
The focus will go to “the Nationless”: the 51.5 million people registered as political refugees, to move from the abstraction of a number to the human beings with their physiognomies, visions and narratives.
Guests: Jowan Akkash (journalist, Syrian refugee) - Mohammad Al Husain (doctor, refugee) - Federica Araco (journalist, Babelmed) - Anna Irma Battino (Melting Pot Europa) - Gregory Beals(photographer, journalist) - Elena Bellantoni (artist) - Giorgio de Finis (MAAM, Museo dell’altro e dell’altrove) - Nathalie Galesne (journalist, Chief editor Babelmed) - Rosa Jijon (artist) - Francesco Martone (activist, Committee for Justice for new Desaparecidos) – Anya Medvedeva (Communications Director, IZOLYATSIA) - Costanza Meli (Associazione Isole) - Cesare Pietroiusti (artist) - Alessandra Pomarico (curator, Free Home University) - Lorenzo Romito (Stalker / Osservatorio Nomade) - Federico Simonti (writer) - Don Mussie Zerai (President Habeshia Agency).
Visual contributions: Gregory Beals, Elena Bellantoni, Shady El Noshokaty, IZOLYATSIA, Rosa Jijon, MAAM (Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove), Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade, Calixto Ramirez Correa, Emanuele Satolli.
Text contributions: Federico Simonti and Cesare Pietroiusti READ