B&W - Black & White - The Migrant Trend
June 25th to July 7th, 2019 + October 1st to 13th, 2019
MACRO – Museum of Contemporary art, Rome, Via Nizza 138, Roma
Nation25 aims to identify and affirm the trend of migrant people in Italy, a style that unites elements from different worlds telling us where we come from, where we are going, about traditions and new ideals.
In order to define and launch the migrant’s boys and girls style as a fashion, Nation25 invites to a participatory laboratory that will offer a space for intercultural exchange and is an internship in the fields of fashion, photography, design and marketing.
B&W - Lab consists of two phases of two weeks each, to be hosted at the Contemporary Art Museum of Rome MACRO Asilo, a partner of the project:
- The first phase from June 25th to July 7th, 2019: is a preliminary phase to focus on identifying the characteristics of the trend.
- The second phase from October 1st to 13th, 2019: in depth phase to design the brand and B&W Platform.
B&W lab's participation is free.
Please register sending a short bio with your contacts to nazione25@gmail.com before 18 June 2019.
For more Info call: +39 3394701233
The lab is open to everyone: students, artists, stylists, photographers, designers, tailors, activists and interested people; Italians, foreigners, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.
Nation25 is invited as Art Collective to be part of the Project Undersea - Whale Hub held by Museo di Storia Naturale from Florence with Thetys Research Institute, with the support by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio.
24-30 September 2018 Nation25 is artist in residence on a boat at the Santuario Pelagos in the Mediterranenan Sea with Thetys Research Institute.
Presentation:Performance-Lecture by Sarah C. Colner, Aula Magna, Florence University.
From 13th December 2018 till 9 January 2019
Exhibition, Natural History Museum of Florence part of Undersea - Whale Hub.
Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio.
ATLAS PROXIMA is an ongoing futuristic project in dialogue between art and marine biology initiated by Nation25 in 2018 on the occasion of an artistic residency promoted by the Museum of Natural History of Florence. After taking part in a Tethys Research Institute sea expedition in the Pelagos Sanctuary –the protected area for sea mammals in the northern Mediterranean Sea–, Nation25 developed an artistic project to enhance the value of the Whale Hall, a permanent exhibition of the Florentine museum centered on a fossilized whale skeleton dating back to the Pliocene era. Atlas Proxima consisted of an imaginative scientific lecture given by Sarah C. Colner (acronym for Rachel Carson), an android marine biologist coming from 300.001.935 d.C. who narrated the shocking evolution of a marine mammal species due to the violent impact of human activity in terms of intensive exploitation of ocean resources and acceleration of global geological changes. The Atlas Tables were then shown at the Natural History Museum next to the Museum Fossils.
12.05 – 26.11. 2017
57th International Art Exhibition, Venice
The third edition of the Nationless Pavilion, curated by Nation25 with the collaboration of Chloé Bonnie More, examines the model of Fondaco, born in the X century, in its historical sense of a place of accommodation and exchange of goods for the different cultures bordering on the Mediterranean.
The fondaco is a tool for reflecting on the first relationships between foreign communities, and their cultural and economic dynamics, in the Mediterranean area.
The Nationless Pavilion will try to reactivate the network that has developed over the centuries in the Mediterranean through an exchange of thought and not thanks to monetary economics.
For a re-reading of the background between past history and future perspective.
Info and program at www.nationlesspavilion.org
Embodying Borders
a performance series
25.05 - 27.11 2016
During the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of Venice “Reporting From The Front”, The Nationless Pavilion has decided to develop the performance series "Embodying Borders" on the dynamics of individual and collective bodies in relation to the architecture of barriers, spurring a reflection on what it means to inhabit the border, appropriate it, measure it, crossing it, going beyond it.
The Nationless Pavilion 2016 opens its second edition keeping its non-exhibition form, in collaboration with local entities and creative realities present in the venetian territory, activating processes that cross paths with fellow citizens, migrants and refugees.
SaLE Docks, Venice //
May 27, 2016
Nation25, Kinkaleri, Nadia Arouri
SpazioK, Prato
April 2016
Nation25, Kinkaleri, Nadia Arouri
Embodying Borders
a performance series
25.05 - 27.11 2016
During the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of Venice “Reporting From The Front”, The Nationless Pavilion has decided to develop the performance series "Embodying Borders" on the dynamics of individual and collective bodies in relation to the architecture of barriers, spurring a reflection on what it means to inhabit the border, appropriate it, measure it, crossing it, going beyond it.
The Nationless Pavilion 2016 opens its second edition keeping its non-exhibition form, in collaboration with local entities and creative realities present in the venetian territory, activating processes that cross paths with fellow citizens, migrants and refugees.
Uruguay Pavilion, Giardini, Venice.
May 26, 2016
Nation25, Kinkaleri with Marco Mazzoni
Teatro Marinoni, Lido, Venice
July 15, 2016
by Avenir Insititute
-"CROSSING THINKERS" by Cristopher Cichocki in coll. with Nation25 and Biennale Urbana at Teatro Marinoni, Lido, Venice
September 2-3, 2016
A process to represent the 25th Nation
6.05 - 22.11 2015 – Venice
The first project of Nation 25 is The Nationless Pavilion, the Pavilion of those dispossessed of a nation in comparison with the system of National Pavilions in Biennale: a foundational and critical gesture at the same time.
Which is the space within this system of those who lost their Nation / territory?
What it means to maintain a separation of national identity when we are challenging the borders?
The project will open in Venice with a series of collective moments from May to November:
open call, performance and laboratory.
- ACTION (SaLE Docks, Giardini, Arsenale, Venice) //
May 6 to November 22, 2015
Square Tape
- ROUNDTABLE (SaLE Docks) // May 8, 2015, 3.00 – 5.30 pm
Rendering a Nation
- LABORATORY (Lecce - Venice, S.a.L.E Docks) //
20 - 31 October 2015
Nation 25 Under Construction
on view till 20th November 2015
May 6 - October 20, 2015
Take Part in the construction of the 25th Nation
- INSTALLATION (Venice, S.a.L.E Docks) //
Nation 25 Under Construction
30th October - 20th November 2015
The Nationless Pavilion is a project held
by Sara Alberani, and is part of the artistic platform Nation25 founded by Elena Abbiatici,
Sara Alberani, Caterina Pecchioli.
Curatorial Team Nationless Pavilion 2015
Sara Alberani, Elena Abbiatici, Caterina Pecchioli
Scientific Committee: Francesco Martone
MAIN PARTNERS: Open Society, lettera27, Archivio Memorie Migranti, Free Home University, Musagetes Foundation
PARTNERS: Ammirato Culture House, BabelMed, Civico Zero, Comitato giustizia per i nuovi Desaparacidos nel Mediterraneo, Habeshia Agency per la cooperazione allo sviluppo (A.H.C.S), MAAM Museo dell’altro e dell’altrove, Sale Docks.
Address S.a.L.E. Docks:
Magazzini del Sale, Dorsoduro 265, by Punta della Dogana, Venice.