10 March 2023 - 16 April 2023
"Atlas Proxima" is part of the Exhibition
"When the Moon Waxes Red"
Spazju Kreattiv La Valletta Malta
Curator: Maren Richter
Exhibition design: Keit Bonnici
Project Management: Ambra Anselmo
Artists: Ursula Biemann, Seba Calfuqueo, DIS Collective, Charlene Galea, Romea Roxman Gatt, Folly Feast Lab (Yara Feghali and Viviane El Kmati), Crystn Hunt Akron, Sasha Huber, Nation25 (Elena Abbiatici, Valeria D’Ambrosio and Caterina Pecchioli), Daniela Ortiz, Kanthy Peng, Robertina Šebjanič and Bartolina Xixa.
Nation25 is supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura la Valletta
Info: LINK
Nation25 - B&W
6 -17 June 2022
B&W Lab Firenze - ABITO -
2nd Edition of the B&W-Black&White Lab.
The laboratory focuses on the dress as a manifestation of oneself. It is a participatory and intercultural study to investigate the complex relationship between dress, living and identity, with the participation of Italian students and asylum seekers and refugees of different origins.
B&W-Black&White Lab. Florence is a project by B&W-Black&White The Migrant Trend APS, curated by Nation25 in coll. with Africa e Mediterraneo, Accademia Italiana, Coop Il Girasole, FUM Studio, MAD Murate Art District, Moleskine Foundation, Murate Idea Park, Progetto Agata Smeralda Onlus, Scuola In Altre Parole.
Supported by the Fondi Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese.
13.1.2022 and 14.1.2022 at 9-13 CET (Berlin) / 8-12 GMT (London)
Nation25 is pleased to promote a 2-day online professional development seminar:
Organized by curating.online in collaboration with the @Exhibition Research Lab of Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and curated by Marialaura Ghidini.Supported by the Italian Council programme (9th Edition 2020)
Nation25 - B&W
10.17.24 September 2021 + 2-5 October 2021
International School of Migration
Nation25 and B&W-Black&White are partners of the 4th Edition of The International School of Migration on the theme: The social dimensions of the environmental transition. Making the transition towards a sustainability that is just and equal for all.
The School is organized by Africa e Mediterraneo and Coop La-Min within the framework of the project Snapshots from the Borders, co-funded by the European Union.
B&W - Black&White - The Migrant Trend
Online the website of the project B&W-Black&White, The Migrant Trend.
The project, initiated by Caterina Pecchioli within the collective Nation25 in 2019 was developed with A.I.Artisanal Intelligence and Fum Studio, establishing itself as APS(Social Promotion Association)in 2021.
For info: www.bwblackwhite.org
11 June 2020 17-18 h “DREAMLAND. I confini dell’immaginario” Edited by ManifestoLibri (2020)
Festival di Sabir. Online via Zoom e Facebook.
First presentation of the book curated by Rosa Jijón & Francesco Martone. An exceptional mix of writings and art works on migration, frontiers, mobility with a deep reflection on the social and political role of art and the artist. Nation25 contributed with a text that addresses the art works of the collective dealing with individual and socio-political trespassing.
Info: https://www.festivalsabir.it
B&W - Black&White - The Migrant Trend
1st - 13th October 2019 "B&W - Black & White -the migrant trend" Second fase of the project started at Macro Asilo In June.
The B&W lab continue at the MACRO Asilo - Museum of Contemporary art in Rome.
Round tables, masterclass, meetings, photo shootings, workshops to design together the B&W Platform. A platform capable of supporting, consolidating and spreading the production of "migrant fashion" in Italy.
B&W - Black&White - The Migrant Trend
4th and 5th July 2019 "B&W - Black & White -the migrant trend" at A.I Artisanal Intelligence "The shape of Water" for Altaroma.
The B&W lab started at the MACRO Asilo - Museom of Contemporary art in Rome will move for 2 days in the context of Altaroma. The lab aims to define and launch the migrant’s boys and girls style as a fashion through a participatory laboratory.
The second fase of the project is 1st-13th October 2019 at Macro Asilo.
B&W - Black&White - The Migrant Trend
25th June 2019 launch of the new project
"B&W - Black & White -the migrant trend".
In order to define and launch the migrant style as a fashion we invite to a participatory laboratory at MACRO Museom of Contemporary art in Rome:
from June 25 till July 6 and Otober 1 till October 13 2019.
"Embodying Borders"'s Poster made in coll. with Kinkaleri will be part of the show Manifesto | iconografie dell'indipendenza a show of posters blighting in the city of Turin from 2 till 16th May.
Thanks to NESXT, Spazio Y, Mercato Centrale Torino
5th April - 5th May 2019 "Exercise V" from Embodying Borders. Exercise V is the latest evolution of the Project Embodying Borders by Nation25 developed in coll. with Kinkaleri for Penta Space. "Exercise V" transforms the performative experience into an emergency signal and invites to train a physical exercise of trust and solidarity in a society where they are put "at risk".
Penta Space powered by Valeria D'Ambrosio and Federico Niccolai
Viale Filippo Strozzi, 16 Rosso - FIRENZE
31st January - h 18, at MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma.Nation25 invites you to take part to the talk: AR - Artists at Risk in Rome - A European Network of Safe Havens. During the talk we will discuss on how to host, through a residency program, artists at risk in the city fo Rome.With Artists at Risk, Sara Alberani, Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade, Morteza Hosseini,and many other cultural partners in the city.
From 13th December 2018 till 9 January 2019
Atlas Proxima Performance and exhibition part of Undersea - Whale Hub held by Natural History Museum of Florence with Thetys Research Institute, with the support by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio.
Info: goo.gl/gbkuMm
24-30 September 2018 Nation25 is artist in residence on a boat at the Santuario Pelagos in the Mediterranenan Sea.
Part of the Project Undersea - Whale Hub held by Museo di Storia Naturale from Florence with Thetys Research Institute, with the support by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio.
Info: goo.gl/gbkuMm
is pertner of "A-g(h)ost City [Nightwalks]#2" for Estate Romana 2018.
A project by Stalker and No Working.
Date: 1st-15th August 2018 Rome
Program: http://aghostcity.altervista.org
Nation25 & The Nationless Pavilion
in the frame of 15th Istanbul Biennial
Date: 18th-21st September Istanbul
Excursion: September 18-20 - 11.00am
Presentation September 21st - 3pm
Program: http://mahalla.inenart.eu/
is taking part of the program of "A-g(h)ost City [Nightwalk]" for Estate Romana 2017.
A project by Stalker and No Working.
Date: 15th-31st August Rome
Program: http://aghostcity.altervista.org/
is taking part of the program of Caffé Internazionale for The Independent, MAXXI Museum, Rome.
Thursday 27th July 2017, 7.30 pm.
Address: Piazza Mancini, Roma.
Nation25 will show the poster fo the action "Embodying Borders #2" in coll. with Kinkaleri.
The Nationless Pavilion
57th International Art Exhibition, Venice
12.05 – 26.11. 2017
Itinerant Opening:
Departure Friday, May 12 at 2 pm at the former Fondaco dei Tedeschi.
Address: Calle del Fontego, 30100 Venice.
at Art Africa Fair 2017, // Cape Town
24.02.2017- 05.03.2017
Will be shown the work: PANGEA
Jubilee Hall, V & A Waterfront
Cape Town, South Africa

at the Free Home University Residency, Lecce // November 2016
at Dimora OZ, Palermo //
December 5 2016 at 7pm
for HOTSPOT, the annual workshop organized by Dimora OZ to inquire geopolitical and ecological issues.
is invited to discuss on "No Borders" at
FILFest 2016:
Friday 2nd December 2016
from 5.30pm till 7.30pm -
Auditorium di Zo Centro Culture Contemporanee, Catania.
Info: http://www.filfest.org/
is taking part with the work PANGEA in the exhibition:
"Kunsthalle, oppure gran fiera d'ammennicoli pseudo-crisoelefantini".
25 November 2016 till 22 December
Opening 25 November 9pm,
Caffé Internazionale, Palermo.
Nation25 and The Nationless Pavilion
are taking part in the Round Table:
Gravity for All
an initiative by Villa Romana
10 November 2016, 18 h, 6 pm
Centro Pecci, Prato,
Nation25 and The Nationless Pavilion
are introduced at Mediterranean Landscapes
artist in residence program organized by Cantieri d'Arte/La Ville Ouverte, curated by Marco Trulli and Pelagica.
Perception and representation of the landscape, migration, postcolonial geographies with: Gennaro Ascione (sociologist), Sara Alberani (curator), Stefano Canto (artist)
26 October at 6 p.m.
Spazio Attivo BIC LAZIO via Faul 20, Viterbo

is taking part and co-organizing:
Exile Europa
17 September 2016, 14 -18 h, Greek Pavilion,
Giardini, Venice
The Nationless Pavilion
a new apointment with "Embdying Borders":
2-3 September 2016
"Crossing Thinkers" an installation - presentation by Cristopher Cichocki
curated by Elena Giulia Abbiatici (Nation25) at Teatro Marinoni within the flux of Biennale Urbana.
The Nationless Pavilion
a new apointment with "Embdying Borders" :
9 - 17 July 2016
"The Epistemology of Border: Futures of bio-geo-techno-Politics"
lecture-performance by Denis Maksimov & Timo Tuominen (Avenir Institute).
In the context of the walk "Under the BoardWalk" with Biennale Urbana and Stalker.
The Nationless Pavilion
Embdying Borders performance series:
27th May 2016 h 20.00, Sale Docks, Venice in the context of Space of Exeption: Embodying Borders fist studio,with Marco Mazzoni, a collaboration between Nation25, Kinkaleri and Nadia Aroudi developed during a residency at SpazioK, Prato.
28th May 2016 Embdying Borders #2, site-specific appearance, on the Biennale Urbana rout in coll. with Stalker-Osservatorio Nomade.Venice.

takes part in the Round Table
SPACES OF EXCEPTION, opening and book launch.
May 25, 7.30 pm @SaLE Docks
Address: Magazzini del Sale, Dorsoduro 265, Venice
with Alessandra Ferlito is invited to talk about "Postcolonial perspectives in Italian curatorship. Nation 25 beyond the Nation-State". In the context of "Borderscapes", Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies, University of Naples.
Address: Palazzo Giusso,
4th floor – Largo S. Giovanni Maggiore, 30

is taking part in Something Else, OFF Biennale Cairo, opening on November 28th, 2015.
We will be present with "Nation 25's Social System", the mapping of thought related to a new social body, the State after the State, resulting from the laboratories of the Nationless Pavilion, held at Sale Docks, Venice.
The Nationless Pavilion
- LABORATORY (Lecce and Venezia) //
20 October - 31 October 2015
"Nation 25 Under Construction"
on view till 20th November 2015

The Nationless Pavilion
May 6 - October 20, 2015
Take Part in the construction of the 25th Nation
The Nationless Pavilion
- ACTION (SaLE Docks, Giardini, Arsenale, Venice) //
Square Tape
May 6 to November 22, 2015
Text for Nation25:
- Cesare Pietroiusti
La Trappola
- Federico Simonti
How to represent Nation 25 at the Venice Biennale / The constitutive process